Weather Conditions
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Weather Conditions & News
> Current Weather
Current weather (hourly) - Met Office - Met Office WOW - Weatherobs - Starlings Roost - Meteociel - Meteologix - Meteovista - Met Éireann (Ireland) - WMO - Temperature , dewpoint , weather , msl pressure & wind speed from G Mueller .
Plotted surface chart (hourly) - UK from Meteocenter (+ large version ) - Europe from Meteocenter (+ large version ) & from Millbank pws .
Current weather (from METARS) (mostly half-hourly) - Skylink - Orbifly - TWO - Netweather - Allmetsat - Metar-Taf.com - NOAA Aviation Weather Center . (updated)
Current mslp, wind, temperature & weather charts/data (half-hourly) from XC Weather .
Current, forecast & historical data from WolframAlpha .
Current weather from Aeris.
Current & recent data tables & maps from WeatherOnline.
Current & recent data tables & map s & archive back to 2004 from Wetteronline.
Extreme & (unofficial) record breaking weather around globe derived from METARs from CoolWx .
Current weather top 20 (hourly observations) from Netweather.
Network Operations Portal (NOP) includes flight delays & weather assessment aiding air traffic management capacity from Eurocontrol.
(or try 'Climate Stations ' section to see data for individual sites)
Current global conditions from weathercloud - Wunderground - PWSweather (updated) - AWEKAS - Netatmo .
BBC Weather Watchers - recent weather reports & images.
Independent UK automatic weather stations from Prodata .
Current condtions across UK & beyond from MADIS / Urbanet sites & weather reports from amateur observers from Metcheck.
Current condtions (mostly in Yorkshire) plus links to data from other amateur weather stations across the UK from mylocalweather.
European Weather OBserver map is a map containing crowdsourced weather reports that highlight areas of severe weather from ESSL .
Table / Map of current conditions mainly South East UK + archive data from LGFL .
UK & Ireland (updated) 'Weather Network' data.
Current wind from Weather File.
Current conditions split by region from mylocalweather.
UK Snow Depth map of crowd sourced data from Weatherquest. (new)
UK Snow map of crowd sourced #uksnow tweets.
Live wind conditions UK map & individual sites from WeatherFile.
Current conditions from UK & Beyond & great for paraglider pliots from Holfuy.
Road weather data - Scottish Trunk Roads (map /list ) & winter gritter tracker map (updated) from Traffic Scotland - Shetland from SI Council - Aberdeenshire from Aberdeenshire C - Durham from Durham CCl - Cumbria from Cumberland C - Eire from TII.
Traffic weather alerts - National Highways - Traffic Scotland - Traffic Wales - TrafficWatch NI (just emergencies).
Bridge Weather Conditions - Tay Bridge - Forth Bridges - Severn Bridges - Tamar Bridge .
A9 (Scotland) traffic info .
UK air quality bulletin from DEFRA.
London air quality bulletin from Kings College London .
Current air quality across Europe and beyond from AQICN.
Air quality data (national) - England from Ricardo Energy & Environment - Scotland from gov.Scot - Wales from Welsh Government - Northern Ireland from DAERA-NI - Ireland from Environmental Protection Agency.
Air quality data (local & regional) - Heathrow from Heathrow Airwatch - Kent from KentAir - Manchester from Clean Air GM - Norfolk from Norfolk Air Quality - South Cambridgeshire from SCDC - Sussex from Sussex Air.
BT Tower Atmospheric Observatory (BTTAO) air quality data, Camden, London from NCAS. (new)
Marine observations from Met Office.
Coastal reports from Jersey Met.
Offshore buoy data from NDBC.
Offshore Irish buoy data from Met Éireann.
Marine observations from Oceanweather .
Realtime wave buoy data from CEFAS .
Semaphore charts (recent conditions) from Meteo Consult.
Integrated Irish marine observations - Irish marine data buoys - Irish wave buoys - Irish national tide gauge network from Marine Institute.
UK & Channel Islands tide gauge readings from Environment Agency. (new)
Real-time UK wave, tide & weather data from Channel Coast Observatory . (updated)
Real time UK tidal elevation data from National Tidal & Sea Level Facility.
Wind observations for 10 Orkney harbours from Orkney Island Council Marine Services.
'Windycator' map of current wind observations (mostly supplied by Met Office, NCI & sailing clubs) from Ian Millard.
Past 2 days lightning data in 5 minute intervals from Met Office. (new)
Today & past week ATD lightning for UK & Iceland from Iceland & Met Office .
Past hour LEELA lIghtning from Netweather.
Last 2hrs sferics from Euclid .
Today's 'Zeus' lightning data + archive from National Observatory of Athens.
Past 2 hours lightning data & archive + up to past 2 hours on interactive map from blitzortung.org.
Sferics image & animation from Meteocentre .
Past 8 hrs North Atlantic lightning data & GOES-E infra red images & same with visible satellite from NOAA Ocean Prediction Center .
Last 24 hours & latest hour European/African lightning from World Wide Lightning Location (WWLL) Network .
Lightning realtime/archive map from LightningMaps.org.
Lightning realtime , past 6 hours & 24 hours from Microsferics.
Daily Irish Lightning Strikes (2009-) & raw data (2017-) from Met Éireann.
Moon phase information from mDawod.com.
Aurora Watch from Lancs University.
Aurora forecast from NOAA/NWS SWPC.
Current global geomagnetic activity from BGS.
Current SDO AIA-193 & SDO AIA-304 channel images of the sun showing corona & plasma from Met Office.
Sunspots etc from Space Weather.
Solar imagery section archive from the British Astronomical Society.
UV index graphs from Public Health England .
EUMETSAT RGB atmospheric dust observations from WMO. (updated)
Real-time seismogram data from British Geological Survey.
Reports of power grid faults - Electricity North West - ESB Networks (Ireland) - National Grid (SW England, S Wales & Midlands) - Northern Ireland Electrictiy Networks - Northern Powergrid - Scottish & Southern - SP Energy Networks - UK Power Networks .
Map showing estimated total electricity being generated by offshore wind sites across the UK from the Crown Estate.
Regional photovoltaic generation data for GB from University of Sheffield.
National Grid generation type breakdown for GB from Gridwatch.
Live EU electricity generation map from Energy Monitor. (new)
> Recent Weather
Met Office synoptic analysis chart (6-hourly) from G Mueller + same chart from Infomet .
Daily 00 hours European synoptic chart from Meteoliguria .
Hourly British Isles plotted surface chart (+ large version ) from Meteocentre .
Hourly European plotted surface chart (+ large version ) from Meteocentre.
6-hourly Atlantic synoptic chart from US National Weather Service.
6-hourly Atlantic synoptic chart from DWD.
6-hourly manually produced Northern Europe synoptic analysis charts for past 2 days from met.no.
Snow Cover from NOAA NOHRSC .
Teleconnections (e.g. AO / NAO ) from NOAA.
UK Weather page includes current & recent obs (eg. recent rainfall ), daily & monthly summaries , anomalies from Starlings Roost.
Temperature , dewpoint , weather & wind speed from G Mueller (hourly SYNOPs) .
Hourly SYNOPs from Ogimet .
Hourly European surface observations from University of Wyoming .
Recent mountain top observations from MWIS.
3-hourly temperature & weather conditions (decode for Beaufort letters ) from R Brugge. (updated)
Eire yesterday from Met Éireann .
Daily (+ hourly ) surface weather observations from Meteologix.
Recent air temperature , dewpoint temperature , relative humidity , humidex & sea level pressure , from Purple Air.
Daily temperature & precipitaiton time series graphs & data for around 150 weather stations for from NOAA Climate Prediction Center. (new)
Climate Assessment Database (CADBv2) Global Station Observation Summaries from NOAA Climate Prediction Center. (new)
Radar wind profiler data from Eumetnet.
Tephigrams for the UK & Europe from Weatheronline.
Tephigrams for around the British Isles from Meteocentre .
UK Tephigrams from Weather Online » Valentia Tephigram from Met Éireann .
12 hourly upper air maps / soundings from Univ of Wyoming .
Past 2 days Northern Hemisphere total ozone & deviation from normal & monthly ozone climatology maps from Environment Canada .
Past 3 days European Jet Stream map from Weather Underground .
Radiosonde observations & skew-t diagrams from Meteologix.
Current & historic ceiliometer data from about 700 locations around Europe from Eumetnet.
Yesterday's UK & regional extreme temperatures, sun & precipitation , daily UK weather extremes , monthly & annual summaries , past weather events & news blog from Met Office.
Yesterday's Weather & monthly summaries from Met Éireann.
Daily & monthly summaries , anomalies & climate maps & much more from Starlings Roost.
UK and Ireland daily weather extremes from UKweatherworld.
Plots of daytime max temp & rain , overnight air min , grass min , rain , & yesterday's sunshine (+ overview page ) from Roger Brugge . (updated)
UK weather diary & month so far (text) (+ last month ) & month so far (charts) from R Brugge . (updated) and (new)
Past 36 hours (hourly), 1 month (daily), 1 year (monthly) Scottish tipping bucket rain from SEPA.
Recent daily rainfall observations & archive from some official Scottish rain gauges from Rainfall Observers.
Recent tipping bucket rain data & API for England from Environment Agency.
Daily/monthly Scottish (Citizen Science) rainfall from Rainfallobservers.
Monthly UK weather summary from Metdesk.
Myriad of UK weather & climate summaries from Starlings Roost.
Monthly Irish Weather Report from Met Éireann.
Weather diary , Central England Temp , ENSO , Sea surface temperature , UK precipitation & global mean CO2 from Bruce Messer.
HADUK precipitation from Met Office.
Daily column ozone & UV radiation data from DEFRA.
Scottish ski resort snow conditions, snow depths, fresh snowfall, resort weather and lift operations from Ski Club of Great Britain. (updated)
Scottish ski resort recent snow reports from On the Snow.
Mostly Ben Nevis & area winter conditions blog from West Coast Mountain Guides.(updated)
Creag Meagaidh , Glencoe , Lochaber , North & South Cairngorms & Torridon Scottish Avalanche Information Service (SAIS) avalanche conditions & blog.
Snow patches in Scotland Facebook Page run by Iain Cameron and Eddie Boyle.
Recent European snow and ice charts & Arctic Sea Ice Extent from NOAA National Ice Centre.
Lake District winter conditions on Great End & Helvellyn from BMC.
Daily Lake District fell top conditions on Helvellyn from Lake District Weatherline.
Racecourse going maps (archive ) & GoingStick readings (archive ) from Turftrax.
Going reports from British Horseracing Authority.
Scottish salt situation report - weekly update on salt used on Scottish roads from Transport Scotland.
Atmospheric dust observation (& forecast) products from WMO.
Daily solar synoptic map showing various characteristics of solar surface from NWS Space Weather Prediction Center .
Current and past 72 hours global geomagnetic activity & geomagnetic activity within the past 24 hours from BGS. (new)
OSTIA SST & anomaly from NCOF / Met Office
Sea surface temperature - DWD - Big G (updated) - TheBeachGuide - seatemperature - NOAA (+ anomaly etc.) - CyclonicWx .
SW England SST from Fishtrack.
Sea temperature / Wave height from Oceanweather Inc .
SST & outgoing long wave + anomalies & ENSO Index from NOAA.
N Atlantic & NE Atlantic Surface Analysis Chart & N Atlantic Sea State Analysis (+ past 3 days animation ) from NOAA Ocean Prediction Center .
Surfing conditions from Surfline.
Local water quality map from Surfers Against Sewage.
National Storm Overflow Hub for England map providing information about storm overflow discharges from Water UK (new) .
Swimfo: Bathing water & weekly assessments and annual ratings of water quality & more detailed bathing water analysis (all just England) from Environment Agency.
Past 7 or 30 days UK & Channel Islands tide gauge readings from Environment Agency. (new)
Bathing water quality data & information for other countries - SEPA (Scotland), NRW (Wales), DAERA (Northern Ireland), beaches.ie (Ireland), Jersey government (Jersey), Guernsey government (Guernsey), Isle of Man governmnt (Isle of Man).
ASCAT ocean winds from KNMI .
Ocean surface winds from ASCAT (METOP-B) , ASCAT (METOP-C) , CYGNSS & AMSR2 & sig wave height from Altimeter radiometers from NOAA Marine Obs Team .
SSM/I ocean rain rate, cloud liquid water, atmos water vapour & surface wind speed - AMSR-E ocean rain rate, cloud liquid water, atmos water vap, surf wind speed & sea surf temp - WindScat sst, surf wind, integrated water vapor, cloud liquid water, rain rate, thru-cloud wind speed & direction - other missions from REMSS .
Recent Argo float ocean data updated daily from UK Argo. (new)
UK & Irish river level, flow, groundwater & cameras from Shoothill .
River levels & suitability for kayaking from Rainchasers.
Monthly hydrological summary & archive back to 1988 from National River Flow Archive.
Latest monthly mean river flows, subsurface water storage & return period of rain required to overcome dry conditions from UK Hyd Outlook.
Monthly England / Wales & English regional water resources situation from Environment Agency / Natural Resources Wales.
Devon & Cornwall river & screen cameras (new) - Wessex river, screen & tidal cameras (new) - England & Wales river / sea levels - water situation reports - past 3 months weekly rainfall & river flow in England (+ archived weekly river flow and rainfall ) - River Thames: current river conditions from EA .
Welsh river levels (+ rainfall & sea data) - NRW .
Scottish river levels - SEPA - FishPal Scotland - Canoe Scotland . (updated)
Northern Ireland river levels - DFI (+ Lough Neagh level + Lough Erne level (new) ).
Ireland river levels - OPW (+ more comprehensive hydro data ). (new)
River levels (mostly Scotland), recent Tweed fishing & beat reports from FishPal.
UK river levels - River Levels . (new)
Great Britain sites with groundwater timelines - map & list of sites from British Geological Survey.
Ireland river levels, flow & groundwater - EPA (+ also here with background information ).
Ireland borehole & turlough groundwater levels - Ireland Geological Survey . (new)
River temperatures - Shiplake Lock, River Thames - River Lee - Bray Lake, Maidenhead (new) - Scotland river temperature monitoring network .
Daily cave water reports from Cave Diving Grp GB .
Reservoir Levels (some also include groundwater & river levels, drought status & rainfall summaries):
Monthly rain / landslide data from BGS.
Weekly aphid bulletin from RIS + weather hub & latest aphid news from AHDB.
UK Climate-Pest Risk Web Tool - create maps & graphs of potential emergence of pests (1991-2023) from Met Office. (new)
Past 7 days Ireland agricultural met data, maps & soil moisture deficits & agricultural meteorological report from Met Éireann.
Latest & recent monthly summary & past 5 years temp, precip, soil moisture or volumetric water count etc from CEH COSMOS-UK.
UK Water Resources Portal for viewing rainfall, river flow, soil moisture & groundwater level data (+ archive to 1921) from CEH.
Weekly grass growth bulletins with grass growth, quality, precipitation & soil temperature (includes 4 year archive) from GrassCheck GB.
Weekly grass growth map for Great Britain from Yara. (new)
Watch the seasons unfold with live plant & animal species maps - past seasonal reports - research reports - blog - from Natures Calendar.
Drought impact on water resources forecasting tool from HR Wallingford. (new)
European PM2.5 air quality Index values (10 min averaging period) , PM10 , fine particle light scattering , visual range (km) , experimental VOC (Bosch Static IAQ) observations all recorded by amateurs from Purple Air.
Gamma Dose Rate aggregated hourly averages (>5000 mostly European stations) from European Commission REM Group.
Recent UK Earthquakes in past 50 days from Lochaber Weather. (new)
Find out if the weather where you live may means you may get a Cold Weather Payment from Dept of Work and Pensions. (new)
> Weather & Climate News Articles
> Data Archives
Charts - Bodendruck (1880-1949) , NCEP Reanalysis (1871- ) & Met Office (1998- ) from G Mueller - DWD (2003- ) from Wetter3 (updated) .
Daily climate observations (1982 - now) for 233 UK stations from Weather Online . (updated)
Daily (+ hourly ) surface weather observations (1944- ) & radiosonde observations (2019- ) from Meteologix.
Daily climate data for 600+ UK stations since 1929 from TuTiempo .
British Rainfall (1860 - 1991), Daily Weather Report (1860-1980, 2003- ), Daily Weather Summary (2017- ), Monthly Weather Reports (1884-1993), Monthly Climate Summary (2001- ), Monthly / Seasonal / Annual Climate Summary (2018- ) , Snow Survey of Great Britain (1953/4-1991/2) , Annual State of the UK Climate (2014- ), Met Office Storm Centre (storm reports since 2016) , UK & constituent country weather records & case studies of past weather events (1990- ), Monthly summary data for a selection of stations (a couple back to 1853), UK historic observation data and reports (or try here ) from Met Office.
Annual variation in temperature (1884- ), rainfall (1836- ) or sunshine (1919- ) for selected country & month, season or year from Met Office.
Monthly Weather Summary from Weathernet (2010-2017 but not all available in archive.org link).
1991-2020 UK monthly average temperature & rainfall & annual snow days in ESRI dasshboards from ESRI UK Educatoin. (new)
Collection of annual and monthly publications on weather trends used for context for a variety of energy publications from gov.uk.
CEDA archive contains wealth of atmospherc & earth observation research data including MIDAS Open surface observations from NERC .
Weather in history 11000BC to present from Weatherweb.net and Martin Rowley.
Met Office climate data portal contains a range of gridded observations & future climate projections datasets from Met Office.
Scottish Snow Profiles & avalanche report archive from SAIS.
CEH Environmental Information Data Centre has datasets such as water resources, air pollution, lakes from UK CEH. (updated)
Hydrology Data Explorer provides Environment Agency open hydrology data, specifically river flows & groundwater readings from EA.
Ireland Geological Survey - archive of borehole & turlough groundwater levels since 2018 where available. (new)
UK Environmental Change Network (UK ECN) Weekly Photo Archive - pictorial archive of key terrestrial sites dating back >20 years. (new)
Air quality data and statistics from the UK-AIR database + info about what is available from DEFRA. (new)
Range of historic UK environmental datasets (1992- ) from the UK Environmental Change Network . (updated)
Hourly, Daily & Monthly Irish Weather Data including Monthly Weather Summary (1986- ) from Met Éireann.
300 Years of Irish Weather - Rainfall - analyse monthly & annual rainfall in Ireland from 1711 to 2016 from Met Éireann/Esri Ireland. (new)
Temperature & precipitaiton time series graphs & data for around 150 weather stations for from NOAA Climate Prediction Center. (new)
Climate Assessment Database (CADBv2) global station observation summaries since 5 Sep 2020 from NOAA Climate Prediction Center. (new)
Hadley Centre Observations Datasets (HADOBS) has gridded meteorological datasets for use in climate monitoring & research from Met Office.
UK long-term weather averages for ~400 places from Weatherbase.
Roger Brugge's UK climate pages (updated) .
NCAS Observations Archive past lists links to archives of various National Centre for Atmospheric Sciences (NCAS) datasets from NCAS. (new)
UK weather extremes from TORRO.
Climate charts for 20 UK locations from Climate-Charts.com.
Reports of typical weather for UK , Eire , Jersey , Guernsey & Isle of Man from WeatherSpark.
Range of UK weather statistics & facts (other countries also available) from Statista.
Noctilucent cloud observation and photo archive (1996- ) from Noctilucent Cloud Observers Network.
Solar panel yield (search by country/location) from Sunny Portal.
Archive of geomagnetic storm forecasts (2011-) from BGS. (new)
Weather and wildlife review from National Trust.
Monthly global climatic data (1948- ) from NOAA.
3-hourly ECMWF ERA5 reanalysis charts (1950- ) from Meteologix.
Monthly Bulletin on the Climate in WMO Region VI , monthly event maps , first occurrence of snow each year & other parameters from DWD.
Archived actual v normal daily data for W Europe - last 30 , 90 & 365 temperature - last 30 , 90 & 365 precipitation from NOAA NWS CPC .
Various atmosphere, land surface and ocean reanalysis datasets (1950- ) from ECMWF.
World Weather and Climate Extremes (useful for reference) from WMO and ASU.
European Severe Weather Database (since 1975ish for UK).
Extreme Wind Storms (XWS) Catalogue (1979 - fairly recent) provides details of 50+ extreme wind storms from University of Reading
Annual European State of the Climate (ESOTC) report - monthly & seasonal European, polar & global temp, hydrological & sea ice climate bulletins - global long-term evolution of several climate indicators - annual global climate highlights from Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S).
Climate data store , a wealth of climate data from Copernicus. (updated)
Climate Explorer - web based too that allows users to explore and analyze a vast amount of climate data from KNMI. (new)
ClimatView for viewing & downloading monthly world climate data (e.g. temperature/rainfall stats) (1982- ) from Japan Met Agency.
Global extreme climate events reports - weekly reports (past 8 weeks) - monthly reports (past 12 months) - seasonal reports (past 2 years) - annual reports (since 2008) from Japan Meteorological Agency.
Monthly Global Temperature & Precipitation Anomaly Maps & global time series of temperature anomalies & precipitation from NOAA. (new)
Monthly Global Climate Report & broad range of other climate monitoring reports from NOAA NCEI. (new)
Monthly Global Climatic Data (1948-2018) from NOAA. (updated)
European Climate Assessment and Dataset (ECA&D) .
ClimaMeter - framework developed by LSCE for rapid and interpretable analysis of extreme weather events in context of climate change. (new)
UK & world travel destination climate guides from vacay weather.
Current general climatology of the UK & Ireland from the World Bank.
UK average maps of dates of first frost & dates of last frost , highest max/lowest min temperatures by month , plant hardiness zones & Köppen climate classification map for Europe from PlantMaps.
Selection of climate dashboards (indicators of our changing climate) - Met Office - NOAA - Climate Dashboard Dashboard - Climate Action - Climate ADAPT - UCL Climate Action Unit's Climate Change in Numbers - Zack Labe .
Local Authority Climate Service (LACS) - climate change related information for UK Local Authorities from Met Office. (new)
> Weather Stations
BEDFORDSHIRE - Clifton - Dunstable - Husband Crawley
BERKSHIRE - Bracknell (new) - Maidenhead (updated) - Reading - Sandhurst - Thatcham
BUCKINGHAMSHIRE - Chesham - Newport Pagnell (updated) - Olney - Steeple Claydon
CAMBRIDGESHIRE - Cambridge - Chatteris - Paxton - Peterborough
CHESHIRE - Cheadle Hulme (new) - Chester - Macclesfield - Wistaston
CORNWALL - Carnkie, Wendron - Falmouth - Lands End - Newquay - Polruan (updated) - Rame Head - Redruth - St Ives - St Mawes - Stithians & also Stithians - Treviskey
CUMBRIA - Alston - Brampton - Great Asby - Howhill - Maulds Meaburn , Nr Appleby - Portinscale, Keswick - Silverdale (updated)
DERBYSHIRE - Buxton - Chapel en le Frith - Newhall - Rosliston - Tideswell
DEVON - Bishops Nympton - Bradninch - Chudleigh (updated) - Cullompton - Exmouth - Froward Point Nr Kingswear - Hartland (Stoke) (new) - Haytor - Newton Abbot - Otter Valley - Payhembury - Plymouth - Postbridge - NCI Prawle Point - RHS Rosemoor (new) - Teignmouth - Willand
DORSET - Springbourne, Bournemouth (updated) - Hengistbury Head NCI - Poole (new) - Portland (& Weymouth) - Wareham - Wimborne (Sturminster Marshall) (updated)
DURHAM - Durham - Durham (University)
ESSEX - Chelmsford (Chelmer) - Clacton-on-Sea - RHS Hyde Hall (new) - Laindon - Southend - Wormingford
GLOUCESTERSHIRE - Abbeymead - Bisley - Gloucester (Elmbridge) (new) - Kemble
GREATER LONDON - Hampstead - Upminster - Wanstead
GREATER MANCHESTER - Manchester (Whitworth Observatory)
Ashurst Bridge (New Forest) - Chilbolton - Crondall - Fordingbridge - Isle of Wight - Lasham (updated) - Southampton - Southampton - Winchester
HEREFORDSHIRE - Mount Pleasant, Hoarwithy
HERTFORDSHIRE - Dagnall - Harpenden - Letchworth - Rothamsted - Royston
KENT - Broadstairs - Dover (Capel Cliffs) - Faversham - Headcorn - Herne Bay - Hextable - Hollingbourne - Manston - Sheerness - Sittingbourne (BGS) - Sittingbourne
LANCASHIRE - Hazelrigg - Higham - Leyland - Loveclough
LEICESTERSHIRE - Coalville - Mountsorrel
LINCOLNSHIRE - Lincoln (updated) - Sleaford - Winterton
MERSEYSIDE - Bebington - Wirral
NORFOLK - Brancaster - Norwich - Sheringham - Weybourne (updated)
Hall - Rushden
Brackenhurst - Calverton - Oxton
OXFORDSHIRE - Oxford - Wallingford
SHROPSHIRE - Alcaston - Long Mynd
SOMERSET - Bath - Bishops Sutton - Brent Knoll - RHS Bridgwater (new) - Bristol (Horfield/Filton ) + (Totterdown) - Clevedon - Henstridge - Radstock - Taunton - Wick St Lawrence - Yeovil
STAFFORDSHIRE - Stafford - Wolstanton
SUFFOLK - Hepworth - Higham (Brooms Barn) - Ipswich - Ipswich
Crondall - Farnham -- Morden - Redhill (new) - Reigate - Stoneleigh, Epsom - Woking
Brighton - Bognor Regis - Chichester - Crowborough -Eastbourne - Eastbourne (Ratton) - Hassocks - Hastings - Littlehampton - Maidenbower (new) - Shoreham (updated)
TEESSIDE - Middlesbrough (new)
TYNE AND WEAR - South Shields
WARWICKSHIRE - Coventry Bablake - Dunchurch - Warwick
WEST MIDLANDS - Halesowen - Monkspath
WILTSHIRE - Bishopstone (Flamstone) - Brinkworth - Windrush, Marlborough
Alvechurch (updated) - Blakedown - Wyche Cutting (updated)
YORKSHIRE - Doncaster - Farsley (updated) - Fremington, Swaledale - RHS Harlow Carr (new) - Holme Moss Observatory (new) - Leeds (new) - Ossett - Sheffield - Stocksbridge - Woodseats - York
Aonach Mor - Auchterhouse, Angus - Ballater - Braemar (& area) - Cairngorm - Carnoustie - Carse of Gowrie, Tayside - Dundee (West End) - Dunvegan (Skye) - Edinburgh - Edinburgh (Swanston) - Edinburgh (Univ) - Elgol (Skye) - Eye Peninsula, Lewis - Fair
Isle (+ old Fair Isle data ) - Glenbervie, Kincardineshire - Lochgelly, Fife - Monifieith, Angus - Munlochy, Ross-shire - Orkney (Birsay) - Orkney (various) - Point, Hebrides - Shulista, Skye - Stirling - Stornoway (new) - Ullapool - Ullapool
NORTH WALES - St Asaph (Cefn Du) - Colwyn Bay - Hafan, Pwllheli (updated) - Llansadwrn - Prestatyn
Aberporth - Barry Island (Nells Pt) - Chepstow - Llantwit Major - Milford Haven - Pembroke Dock - Penallt, Monmouth (updated) - Talgarth - Usk, Monmouth
Armagh (updated) - Bangor Co. Down - Belfast (Sydenham) - Conlig Co. Down - Newtownabbey (Cloughfern) - Rathlin Island
Ballaghaderreen, Roscommon - Earlscliffe-Howth, Dublin - Furnace (Newport, Co Mayo) - Kilkenny - Cromane, (Killorglin, Kerry) - Quin, Clare - Tramore, Waterford
Ballaugh - Glen Vine Park - Various
Guernsey - St Peter Port (Guernsey) - Jersey - Sark Bec de Nez
APRSWXNET/CWOP automatic weather stations in the UK from CWOP .
Map of independent UK automatic weather stations from Prodata.
Map of automatic weather stations focussing mainly on wind & links to individual sites (new) from Richard Paul Russell Weather File.
Regional tables of UK automatic weather stations from mylocalweather.
Map of amateur Holfuy weather stations from Holfuy.
Map of amateur UKww members weather stations from UK Weather World.
List of amateur weather stations with websites from Clevedon Weather.
Davis WeatherLink IP stations from Davis.
Cumulus weather software users (& links to live data) from Sandaysoft.
Map of 6000+ private weather stations across Europe from EU.weather.eu.
Map of private weather stations around the globe from weathercloud.
Map of private weather stations around the globe from Netatmo.
Wind conditions from mostly UK site s from Weatherfile.
UK Weather Station 'Top Sites' from Martyn Hicks.
Weather data from the 'GrassCheck' weather station network from GrassCheck GB.
Map of UK automatic weather stations & Table of sites from Atomwide Network Solutions.
Map of Holfuy automatic weather stations (temperature, wind, cameras) from Holfuy. (new)
Guide to setting up an automatic weather station from Andrew Overton in AWE Magazine. (updated)
Making simple weather observations at school or at home by Geoff Jenkins from Royal Meteorological Society via archive.org.
Setting up a weather station - some simple guidelines from Royal Meteorological Society via archive.org.
How can you make high quality weather observations from MetMatters by the Royal Meteorologal Society.
Setting up a weather station from Windrush Weather.
Guide to choosing a weather station from Green Frog Scientific.
A weather station for your school from Metlink.
Guide to setting up a weather station from Eric Gilbert.