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Miscellaneous UK Weather and Climate Links
> Weather and Climate Forums
> Individuals Blogs, Websites, Podcasts etc
AA (Ireland) - weather blog of the Irish Automobile Association.
BTO Bird Migration Blog - active especially in spring and autumn.
DTN's - weather blog. (updated)
ICARUS - blog of Irish Climate Analysis & Research Units hosted by Dept of Geography, Maynooth Univ.
Mendip Weather Blog - Weather related blog from the Somerset based weather station retailer.
Met Office - The official blog of the Met Office news team.
MetLink blog - news about new educational resources, events and other articles from the Royal Meteorological Society. (new)
metswift blog - company whose mission is to bring climate insights into the hands of every business.
National Hydrological Monitoring Programme Blog - Updates on the current hydrological situation.
Nature's Calendar blog - blog from the Woodland Trust.
NFU Online weather blog - Weather related articles from the National Farmers Union.
Online Rocksalt's Blog - Wintry weather and gritting.
Reading University Weather & Climate Blog - recent research activity.
Royal Meteorological Society News - Regular news updates from the society.
TWO Buzz - Weather news and views from The Weather Outlook founder Brian Gaze.
Weather Observations Website (WOW) - Blog from the Met Office about their WOW platform.
AstroGuy - Youtube channel run by a weather & astronomy fan whose posts include monthly videos about astronomical events.
Bruce Messer 's weather diary & periodic updates on various development projects.
Climate Audit - climate science from (mostly US based) climate scientists.
Clive Best's
blog - blog mostly focussing on climate science.
David King's - Weather without technology site.
Ed Hawkins - Climate Lab Book - climate visuals - show your stripes .
Eye on the Sky - Brendan Jones's weather photography website.
Frank Singleton's Website - excellent essential resource for sailors.
George Booth's Winter 1947 Website - a review of the severe winter that affected the British Isles.
George Monbiot - climate change blog. (new)
Ian Collin's Weather Pictures - an excellent
Welsh "weather pictures" page.
Ian Currie - weatherman
I met once based in Sussex.
John Kennedy's blog - climate scientist who specialises in climate monitoring.
John Mason's website - severe weather photography in mid-Wales.
John S. Reid's weather pages supporting a course in Meteorology & Astronomy at Aberdeen University.
Lee Chapman's Wetroads - guide to British fords, watersplashes & tidal roads.
Leeds Weather Centre - commentary on weather forecasts & conditions and how it all works from Rob Brooks.
Les Hamilton's Web Pages - lots of satellite imagery and satellite software. (new)
Liam Dutton's personal website & Liam Dutton's Channel 4 Weather Blog - 'highs and lows' blog from Channel 4 weather presenter
Mark Baker's
Metpod Engineering - Meteorological calculators, AWS design, sensor interfacing.
Mark Vogan's
UK/Ireland Blog - diverse range of articles.
Martin McKenna's
Night Sky Hunters Page - huge array of photos and sky observing advice.
Martin Rowley's
Page - lots of useful info about meteorology (archive of site still available).
Metbrief - Useful weather links page from Jon O'Rourke.
Metjam - Weather thoughts and forecasts.
Michael Fish's Website - Former BBC TV weather forecaster.
Mike Trigger's Weather Info Website - Large array of weather links.
Nigel Marriott's blog - fascinating monthly and seasonal reviews of the UK weather packed full of statistics. (new)
Norman Lynagh's Peak District Weather - A blog, weather observations & weblinks for the Peak District.
Not a lot of people know that - Paul Homewood's climate change, CET and tornado blog.
Paul Brookers Ocean Weather Ships - contains a fascinating collection of photos and memories.
Paul Hudson's Weather Blog - BBC Look North's weather presenters blog.
Paul Richard's Stithians Weather - a wealth of mostly Cornish weather records & photographs plus synoptic charts & much more.
The late Philip Eden's weather records & UK Climate sites - links to his sites on the internet archive.
Richard Dixon's CatInsight blog - blog about catastophe modelling, weather hazards, climate change etc.
Dr Richard J Wild's Site - excellent website full of research & information about snow & blizzards.
Roger Brugge's
Link List - excellent general link list.
Ryan Saundy's UK Weather Watcher - forecasts and musings on the UK weather.
Sam Jowett's
Photo Weather - excellent photographic website.
Sam Whitfield's
UK Weather Chase - weather chaser also with a presence on Twitter .
Scott Whitehead's
Wantead Weather - Meteorology-based musings about east London and beyond.
Simon H Lee - Atmospheric Processes and Predictability, University of St Andrews. (new)
SnowWatch UK - Provide regular updates during periods of wintry weather.
Social Metwork - PhD student blog from the Department of Meteorology, University of Reading.
Sryan Bruen's
Climatology of the British Isles - Encyclopedia for the history of weather in the British Isles.
Steve McIntyre's
Climate Audit - blog primarily concerned with auditing current climate publications.
Susan & Martyn's Ossett weather allotment & gardening blogs plus gardening diary , their regular vlogs & much more!
Trevor Harley's British Weather Site - lots of interesting articles and his own weather records.
Weatherman79 - a blog offering musings from deep within the weather industry.
> Other Miscellaneous UK Weather & Climate Links
Advice on coping with mountain weather & conditions , #ThinkWinter & weather & avalanche forecasts - Mountaineering Scotland.
Optics Site & link to the old site (new) - Les Cowley's fascinating site.
AVEX - French astronomy site with some impressive European light pollution maps.
Check if you're at risk of flooding - England (EA) - Wales (NRW) - Scotland (SEPA) - Northern Ireland (RA) .
Cold water: a temperature guide - useful guide to how cold the water feels for swimmers from the Outdoor Swimming Society.
Dark sky sites across the UK - Suggested stargazing locations from Go Stargazing.
Decoding advice for meteorological codes: SYNOP , METAR , CLIMAT , BUFR , TAF , SIGMET , AIRMET , PIREP from Wikipedia. (new)
Grough - the inside view of the outdoor world, a great site for anyone interested in the outdoors.
On-line barograph - atmospheric pressure at the National Physics Laboratory in Teddington.
Regional Pollen Calendars - from University of Worcester.
Rockall Island X account (now also Rockall Island Bluesky ) - mythical robot on the rock posts occasional often amusing weather updates! (new)
Scope Nights Astronomy Weather & Dark Sky App - app for astronomers.
Sponsor names for high and low pressure areas from Institute of Meteorology / Freie Universität Berlin. (new)
Met Office postcode weather forecast data - access hourly forecast information for the next 3 days via Snowflake Marketplace. (new)
The Weather Calculator - handy unit converter.
UK Weather Information Site - lots of useful information.
Weatherfax - details of world’s weather fax (HF fax / radio fax) stations with their locations, call signs, & frequencies & details of receivers. (new)
Wikipedia:WiR/Global Systems Institute - project aiming to update climate change information on Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projects. (new)
World hum map and database project - mysterious hum that about 2-4% of people can hear.
Zooniverse Weather Rescue at Sea - Project to digitise ships log books.